Title: On the Horizon Rating: PG Pairings/Characters: Onew/Taemin Warnings: None. Summary: Onew and Taemin have been lost at sea for three days. Word Count: 200
Title: Emotions Not Included Rating: PG Pairings/Characters: Jonghyun/Taemin Warnings: None. Summary: Jonghyun always insists it isn’t love and Taemin never argues. Word Count: 100
Title: Worth the Risk Rating: PG Pairings/Characters: Jonghyun/Minho Warnings: None. Summary: AU. He doesn’t speak, because if he breathes a word of the plan he’ll get his head blown off anyway. Word Count: 200
Title: A Drop of Rain Rating: G Pairings/Characters: Jonghyun/Onew Warnings: None. Summary: “Do you think the weather affects our emotions?” asks Jonghyun. Word Count: 150
Title: I’m So Sorry, But I Love You Author: venus_aurea Genre: General/Angst Rating: G Pairings/Characters: Taemin/Key Warnings: None. Summary: Key tries to convince himself that Taemin is only his “son”, and nothing more. Word Count: 100
Title: Obvious Subtlety Author: venus_aurea Genre: General Rating: G Pairings/Characters: Jonghyun/Minho Warnings: None. Summary: Teasing and harassing is just Jonghyun’s way of saying “I like you.” Word Count: 100
Title: Provocative (Or Not) Author: venus_aurea Genre: General Rating: PG Pairings/Characters: Minho/Key Warnings: None. Summary: No matter how annoying Key is, Minho doesn’t react the way he’s supposed to. Word Count: 150